Tootsie is full of spunk and pizzaz! The moment Tootsie arrived at Muttville, she hit the ground running. She just couldn’t wait to meet everyone and make friends. She is a super friendly little girl with a great big personality. Tootsie’s been getting along really well with all of the dogs and certainly winning over all the humans. Full of spirit and a sense of discovery, Tootsie is ready to spread her infectious energy in a new home. She is really active and curious, so she’ll make a great walking partner for strolls around her new neighborhood and any other adventures you can think up. And at the end of the day, she loves to chill out, have her ears rubbed and dream of new adventures tomorrow. Tootsie is estimated to be 11 years young and weighs 10 lbs

Tootsie #
Terrier, Jack Russell/Beagle
Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted