Saturday, April 22, 2023
Sat., Apr. 22, 2023


Saturday, April 22, 2023, 11:00 AM ‑ 4:00 PM Sat., Apr. 22, 2023, 11:00 AM ‑ 4:00 PM
Duboce Park map

Get ready for doggie contests and treats, games, activities, food and drink, and unbeatable community spirit. DOGFEST is here!

Come on down to Duboce Park on Saturday April 22 from 11AM – 4PM to meet our Mutts and awesome volunteers!

DogFest is a celebration of dogs, families, community, and spring in San Francisco. It’s also a charitable event that raises funds for McKinley Elementary – a small public school in the neighborhood.

DogFest attendees can expect nonstop fun and games. The park fills with carnival-style games staffed by McKinley students, while at the top end jumping castles keep the little ones busy. Dogs are the star of the event, of course, with a daylong show and contest. Food trucks ensure that everyone is well fed, while the book fair, merchant stalls, and the doggie adoption zone provide wonderful ways to support the community.

Learn more here: