Thursday, April 3, 2014
Thu., Apr. 3, 2014

"Itchy Butt, Ears, and Paws" Monthly Senior Dog Health + Nutrition Workshop

Thursday, April 3, 2014, 7:00 ‑ 8:30 PM Thu., Apr. 3, 2014, 7:00 ‑ 8:30 PM
Muttville Community Room

Itchy Butt, Ears & Paws: Early Warning Signs of Unhealthy Skin

Does your dog scoot its butt on the floor? or rub its ears? or chew its paws?

Ears, paws, and anal gland itch are often symptoms of more serious skin issues. The root of these problems are usually stemmed from your dog’s diet. When the body is deprived of nutrition due to an inappropriate, incomplete, or unbalanced diet, it inevitibly causes trouble in the digestive system, which then leads to inflammation in other systems. Dr. Adam will explain how to address symptoms early to prevent pyoderma (skin inflamation) – and more serious issues, like severe itch, self-mutilation, and generalized dermatitis (bacterial or fungal skin infections all over the body). He’ll show us how to help our dog’s body heal with improved nutrition, diet changes, food supplements/herbals, and medications.

Learn to prevent skin issues now, deal with skin that is already in trouble, and keep your dog happy and energetic with sage advice from Dr. Adam Piaseczny.

Who is Dr. Adam? He is the owner and head clinician at Healthy Pets Veterinary Hospital, and specializes in nutrition and diet, acupuncture, and herbal medicine. He is a ‘foodies’ vet’, keen on promoting awareness of the benefits of fresh food-based diets for pets. His style has been referred to as thorough, patient, and supportive. Dr. Adam lectures monthly at Muttville; some of his past lectures have covered clinical nutrition and medical management of geriatric pets. Dr. Adam always has animals in his family; his current main buddies are his hiking companion Ricky, a senior black Chihuahua mix, and J.J., a sweet but intense Border Collie newly adopted from Muttville.


FREE to Muttville volunteers and fosters and Healthy Pets clients

$5.00 donation, proceeds go to Muttville

These awesome learning experiences are sponsored by

small club
Healthy Pets
Pawtrero Bath and Feed Co.