Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sun., Nov. 14, 2010

Dog Day Afternoon in Dogpatch at Yield Wine Bar

Sunday, November 14, 2010, 3:00 ‑ 6:00 PM Sun., Nov. 14, 2010, 3:00 ‑ 6:00 PM
Yield Wine Bar
2490 Third Street (near 22nd Street)
San Francisco map

Every year (okay, this is the second), we like to have a smaller, more intimate party with Muttville friends and supporters. This year’s is at the wonderfully boho yet classy, crisp yet comfortable, Yield Wine Bar in San Francisco’s Dogpatch neighborhood. We’ll have food and drink and a silent auction, and if last year’s event is any guide, a really, really good time. Space is limited, so BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW!